Devin Dixon

Understanding the High Cost of User Acquisition in Free-to-Play Games

Explore the costly challenge of user acquisition in free-to-play games, where even a $1.50 CPI and low conversion rates demand strategic marketing and monetization for profitability. Learn the economics behind the gaming industry's user acquisition efforts.

How Influencer Marketing Can Lower A Game's Cost Per Installation

Explore game marketing strategies with insights on CPI, UAC, ARPU, and LTV. Learn how performance-based influencer marketing can optimize user acquisition costs and enhance profitability in the gaming industry.

How Performance-Based Marketing Benefits Nano and Micro Influencers

Discover how to monetize content creation beyond traditional influencer methods. This article explores various influencer tiers, strategies for earning on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, and how performance-based marketing can enhance earnings, especially for nano and micro influencers.

Understanding Influencers By The Numbers And Statistics

Explore the essentials of influencer marketing for gaming publishers and indie developers. Learn about influencer tiers, pricing, and strategies to maximize game promotion and combat influencer fraud.

How To Use Game Theory With Influencer Marketing

Explore the synergy between game theory and performance-based influencer marketing in this insightful article, highlighting risk-reward decision-making strategies for effective game promotion.

How Gaming Publishers Can Optimize Influencer Marketing

Explore the power of marketing in gaming: from AAA titles to indie gems, understand how to maximize ROI, engage users, and leverage influencer strategies. Dive into setting objectives, choosing social platforms, and implementing hybrid models for success.

The Influencer's Guide to Performance-Based Earnings

Explore the dynamic world of performance-based influencer marketing, where earnings align with content impact. This guide unpacks how influencers can leverage engagement metrics for higher potential income and the tools available to navigate this evolving landscape."

The Rise of Hybrid Influencer Marketing in Gaming

Explore how influencer marketing in gaming evolves through a hybrid model balancing risks and rewards for publishers and influencers. This article delves into both perspectives, advocating for a fair partnership, and introduces Glitch, a platform enhancing performance-based collaborations.

How Performance-Based Influencer Marketing Improves Game Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of many forms of marketing a

How To Select Your Encoder When Streaming Your Games

Maximize your game streaming quality with our comprehensive guide on encoders. Learn about different types, such as libx264 and NVENC, their pros and cons, and tips for choosing the right one for Twitch and other platforms. Perfect for gamers looking to enhance their streaming setup.